AC Service Checklist: What to Expect During a Professional Maintenance Visit

What to Expect During a Professional Maintenance Visit

During a scheduled maintenance visit, our HVAC technician undertakes a series of essential tasks designed to guarantee the optimal and safe functioning of your air conditioning system. These tasks are pivotal for achieving peak performance, conserving energy, and prolonging the lifespan of your air conditioner. The process commences with an inspection of the outdoor unit, also referred to as the condenser unit. This entails scrutinizing condenser coils for dirt and debris, with subsequent cleaning using specialized coil cleaners as needed. Our technician also meticulously assesses the fan motor, electrical connections, and service valves, confirming their proper operation and secure positioning.

Moving to the indoor unit or air handler, the technician shifts focus to the evaporator coil, performing a comprehensive inspection and cleaning where necessary. Attention then turns to the air filter, which is evaluated and replaced if required. Additionally, the examination extends to drain lines and the condensate drain, checking for any potential obstructions or leaks that might compromise the system’s integrity.

Electrical controls and wiring connections undergo a thorough inspection to ensure their security and optimal functionality. Our technician also meticulously examines refrigerant levels and diligently seeks out any indicators of refrigerant leaks. Finally, the entire system’s performance is validated, encompassing a meticulous evaluation of return and supply temperature differentials, alongside an assessment for possible air leaks within the ductwork.

By adhering to a consistent schedule of professional maintenance visits, you proactively protect your system against costly repairs, enhance energy efficiency, and ensure safe and dependable operations.

Outdoor Unit

Maintaining the outdoor unit of your air conditioner is crucial for the overall performance and efficiency of your system. Neglecting this important component can lead to reduced airflow, increased energy consumption, and expensive repairs. During one of our professional maintenance visits, our HVAC technician will pay special attention to the outdoor unit, also known as the condensing unit, to ensure its proper functioning.

Our technician will start by carefully removing any debris, such as leaves, twigs, or dirt, that may have accumulated around the unit. This step is important because clogged airflow can decrease the efficiency of your system. We will then inspect the unit panels for any signs of damage or wear and tear.

Proper clearance around the condensing unit is essential for its optimal performance. Our technician will ensure there is enough space around the unit to allow for adequate airflow. This will prevent any restrictions that could lead to overheating or decreased cooling capacity.

Indoor Coil

One important task that our technician will perform during a professional maintenance visit for your air conditioning system is cleaning the indoor coil. The indoor coil, also known as the evaporator coil, is an essential component in the heat exchange process that enables your air conditioner to efficiently cool your home.

Not all central air conditioning systems have an indoor coil, but if yours does, it requires regular cleaning to ensure optimal performance. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate on the coil, which can hinder its ability to absorb heat from your home’s air. This can lead to decreased cooling capacity and energy inefficiency.

To clean the indoor coil, the technician will typically use a general cleaning spray that is specifically designed for evaporator coils. They will carefully apply the spray to the coil, allowing it to penetrate and break down any dust or debris. Once the spray has had time to work, the technician will use a soft brush or cloth to gently wipe away the loosened particles.

Drain Lines & Condensate Drain

Maintaining the drain lines and condensate drain is an important task during a professional AC maintenance visit. Clogged drain lines can lead to water leaks and damage to your air conditioning unit. Here are the steps we take to ensure proper maintenance of the drain lines and condensate drain:

1. Locate the Condensate Drain Line: The condensate drain line is usually a white PVC pipe that is attached to the indoor unit of your AC system. It is responsible for removing the excess moisture that is created during the cooling process.

2. Unscrew the Top of the Vertical PVC Pipe: Start by unscrewing the top of the vertical PVC pipe connected to the indoor unit. This will allow you to access the inside of the drain line.

3. Clear Any Blockages: Using a stiff wire, carefully pass it through the drain line to clear any blockages. Over time, debris and algae can accumulate, leading to clogs in the drain line.

4. Pour Chlorine Bleach: After clearing the blockages, pour a cup of chlorine bleach down the drain line. This helps to prevent the growth of algae and mold, keeping the drain line clear of any obstructions.

5. Check for Debris and Proper Drainage: Ensure that the condensate drain is free of debris and that moisture can drain properly from the system. A clogged drain line can lead to water leaks that can harm your AC system and surrounding areas.

Air Handler & Air Filter

The air handler and air filter are two key components in maintaining the efficiency and performance of your air conditioning system. The air handler, also known as the indoor unit, is responsible for circulating the cooled air throughout your home. It houses the evaporator coil, blower motor, and other essential parts of your AC system.

Located inside the air handler, the air filter plays a crucial role in maintaining indoor air quality. It traps dust, dirt, pollen, and other airborne particles to prevent them from circulating in your home. This not only keeps the air clean and healthy to breathe but also protects the internal components of the system from potential damage.

Regular maintenance of the air filter is essential. Depending on the type of filter, it should be either cleaned or replaced every one to three months. Clogged filters restrict airflow, forcing your AC system to work harder and consume more energy, resulting in higher energy costs. Additionally, restricted airflow can lead to poor cooling performance and uncomfortable indoor temperatures.

Ensuring that your air handler is clean and the air filter is regularly maintained will not only improve the efficiency and performance of your air conditioning system but also contribute to better indoor air quality and lower energy consumption.

Entrusting your air conditioning system to a professional maintenance visit brings forth a range of comprehensive advantages that extend well beyond immediate enhancements. By relying on the expertise of a skilled HVAC technician, you’re ensuring the prolonged life and peak performance of your unit. From meticulous assessments of critical components such as condenser coils, fan motors, and refrigerant levels to the optimization of airflow through outdoor unit clearance and the protection of drain lines, every facet of your system receives meticulous attention. The consistent upkeep of your air handler and air filter contributes to elevated indoor air quality and heightened system efficiency. Christopher’s Heating is prepared to deliver these transformative benefits through our experienced technicians, offering reassurance, energy savings, and an optimized indoor environment. Instead of waiting for complications to arise, take the proactive step and schedule a professional maintenance visit today!

The Benefits of Upgrading to a High-Efficiency Air Conditioning System

The Benefits of Upgrading to a High-Efficiency Air Conditioning System

Rather than upgrading to a high-efficiency air conditioning system, many homeowners only consider air conditioning system maintenance and repair. However, upgrading to a high-efficiency air conditioner can offer several advantages, including cost savings and improved indoor comfort.

Before making a decision, it is essential to understand the benefits of a high-efficiency system and how it helps with many common AC problems.

Lower Energy Bills

Energy savings are one of the most significant advantages of upgrading to a high-efficiency air conditioner. The use of less energy by high-efficiency systems reduces your cooling costs. In fact, you can save up to 20% on your cooling costs by trading your traditional system for a high-efficiency system – effectively lowering AC bills.

Improved Indoor Comfort

High-efficiency air conditioners help keep a consistent indoor temperature, improving indoor comfort and reducing hot and cold spots. This is particularly significant in bigger homes, where customary cooling frameworks might battle to keep a steady temperature throughout the home.

Fewer Common AC Problems

High-efficiency air conditioners are less likely to encounter common AC problems that require further air conditioning maintenance. This can help you save money on air conditioning repairs and extend the system’s lifespan. This is because high-proficiency frameworks are created with cutting-edge technology and parts less inclined to malfunction or fail.

Better for the Environment

High-efficiency air conditioning systems consume less energy, which means they are better for the environment and produce fewer emissions of greenhouse gasses. You can help the environment and reduce your carbon footprint by upgrading to a high-efficiency air conditioner.

Less Noise

High-effectiveness cooling systems are intended to work without creating too much noise or interruption. This feature increases comfort while decreasing noise pollution in your home. People who work from home or have children that need a quiet place to sleep will appreciate the additional peace and quiet.

Improved Air Quality

High-proficiency cooling frameworks frequently come with advanced air filtration systems, which can further improve indoor air quality by eliminating allergens, contaminations, and foreign substances. This is especially beneficial for those suffering from asthma or allergies, as well as pet owners.

Ductless Mini-Split Systems

Consider a ductless mini-split system as an alternative to conventional central air conditioning systems. These frameworks are intended to cool individual rooms or zones and are more productive than customary frameworks since they don’t require ventilation work. As a result, they are ideal for smaller homes or those without existing ductwork.

Upgrading to a high-efficiency air conditioner can offer several advantages, such as lower energy costs, improved indoor comfort, fewer issues with your AC, improved environmental sustainability, quiet operation, and improved air quality. Aside from a much-needed air conditioning tune-up, a professional HVAC company can help you upgrade your system by installing a new high-efficiency air conditioner.

If you’re considering an upgrade for your air conditioner, contact us today to determine which system is best for your home and your budget.

Boiler Installation Companies Windsor CO

Ductless Mini-Split Systems: An Energy-Efficient Alternative to Central Air Conditioning

If you’re looking for an energy-efficient alternative to central air conditioning, consider a ductless mini-split system. These systems are gaining popularity among homeowners because of their many benefits, including improved energy efficiency, cost savings, and indoor comfort. You should consider this system if you’re tired of dealing with common AC problems and want to find new ways of lowering AC bills.

How Do Ductless Mini-Split Systems Work?

Ductless mini-split systems use an outdoor unit and one or several indoor units to cool your home. The outdoor unit contains a compressor and a condenser, while the indoor units contain an evaporator and a blower. A small conduit housing the power cable, refrigerant lines, and drainage pipe connects the indoor and outdoor units.

Benefits of Ductless Mini-Split Systems

Improved Energy Efficiency

Ductless mini-split systems are more energy-efficient than traditional central air conditioning systems because they don’t require ductwork. Ductwork can account for up to 30% of energy loss in central air conditioning systems, so eliminating it can lead to significant energy savings. Ultimately, this high-efficiency air conditioning system saves you money and helps you reduce your carbon footprint.

Cost Savings

Because they use less energy, ductless mini-split systems can save money on energy bills over time. They also require less air conditioning maintenance than central air conditioning systems, saving you money on repairs and replacements.

Improved Indoor Comfort

Ductless mini-split systems allow you to control the climate for individual rooms or zones within your home, improving indoor comfort and reducing hot and cold spots.

Easy Installation

Ductless mini-split systems are easy to install because they don’t require ductwork. Essentially, this installation is quick and less invasive.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Ductless mini-split systems often come with advanced air filtration systems, which can improve indoor air quality by removing allergens, pollutants, and other contaminants.

Adaptable Design

There are several different designs and sizes of ductless mini-split systems. They are an excellent option for homeowners remodeling or constructing a new home because you can tailor the fit for any house.

Improved Environmental Sustainability

Since ductless mini-split systems use less energy than conventional central air conditioning systems, they are better for the environment and emit fewer greenhouse gasses.

Common Misconceptions About Ductless Mini-Split Systems

One common misconception about ductless mini-split systems is that they are noisy. However, most models operate quietly, and indoor units can be installed in inconspicuous locations to minimize noise.

Another common misconception is that ductless mini-split systems are more expensive than central air conditioning systems. While they may have a greater upfront cost, the long-term cost savings from improved energy efficiency and lower air conditioning repair costs can outweigh this initial investment.

For homeowners looking to increase their energy efficiency, lower energy costs, and improve interior comfort, ductless mini-split systems are a great option. To choose the ductless mini-split system that is best for your house and your budget, you need to speak with a qualified HVAC specialist. Contact us today for your installation and air conditioning tune-up needs.

HVAC Maintenance

Air Conditioning Maintenance 101: How to Keep Your System Running Efficiently

Air conditioning is essential when it comes to creating a comfortable living area as summer temperatures climb. Unfortunately, many homeowners disregard the necessity of keeping their air conditioning systems in good working order, which can result in issues that reduce comfort and empty wallets.

Routine maintenance is necessary for maintaining the proper functioning of your air conditioning system. Additionally, it prevents issues that could result in costly repairs. This post will go over the essential elements of air conditioning maintenance and provide guidance on how to keep your system in good operating order all season.

Maintain a Clean System

Dirty filters can limit airflow, lowering system efficiency and contributing to frequent AC issues. However, one of the simplest methods to maintain your air conditioning system is by routinely changing your air filters.

So, check your filters once a month, and change them when they become blocked or unclean. You must keep your outside unit free of dirt, leaves, and other debris for appropriate airflow and system effectiveness. Regularly clear any debris around the outdoor unit to ensure it operates efficiently.

Routine Air Conditioning Repair and Maintenance

Regular air conditioning maintenance is essential for preventing common AC problems and keeping your system running efficiently. Scheduling an air conditioning tune-up with a professional can include cleaning and inspecting your system, checking refrigerant levels, lubricating moving parts, and identifying any potential issues before they become significant problems.

Check Your Ducts

Leaky ductwork can waste energy and reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system, which is one of the most common AC problems. Check your ductwork for leaks and seal them with duct sealant or foil tape to ensure proper airflow and efficiency.

Replace Your Thermostat

By adjusting the temperature when you are gone or sleeping, a programmable thermostat can also help you save energy and reduce energy costs. This adjustment helps by lowering your AC bills while keeping your home at a pleasant temperature and reducing excessive energy consumption.

Select a Sustainable System

Consider investing in ductless mini-split systems or other high-efficiency air conditioning systems to help you save money on electricity. These systems are more effective than standard central air conditioning systems and need less maintenance. While they may be more expensive upfront, you can save a lot of money in the long run with a high-efficiency air conditioning system.

Pay Attention to Small Details

Don’t disregard minor AC issues like odd noises, poor airflow, or uneven cooling if you observe them. If ignored, these faults could become more severe and cause system collapse.

Regular AC maintenance is necessary to run your system effectively and avoid typical AC issues. To maintain a cool and comfortable house while avoiding common AC problems during the blistering summer months, keep in mind that a bit of upkeep goes a long way in lowering AC bills and keeping your system healthy.

Contact us today for any questions or to schedule your AC maintenance.

Air Conditioning Service Windsor CO

Is It Necessary To Service AC Yearly?

Air conditioners are an essential part of every home. These appliances help maintain comfortable temperatures year-round. They work hard, and just like every appliance, they are prone to wear and tear. To prevent premature breakdowns, regular servicing is a necessity; however, how often should you service your AC?

When should you service your Air conditioning unit?

Most HVAC professionals recommend yearly servicing, especially during spring. The weather is warm enough to run your AC without causing too much discomfort. Regular maintenance ensures delicate parts such as the coils and filters are working as they should.

Do not schedule servicing during winter or summer. These are the two times you need your sc the most. Servicing in winter is not recommended as it’s too cold to perform proper maintenance. Additionally, the oil in the AC unit can freeze up, making it inherently harder to ensure your unit is working well. Summer is often the busiest time for HVAC professionals, as most people require repairs or servicing. To beat this rush, don’t schedule your servicing in the summer.

Benefits of yearly maintenance

Regular servicing of your air conditioning unit in Windsor, CO offers the following benefits:

Fewer unexpected repairs since the frequent tune-up can prevent breakdowns.

Your unit runs more efficiently and uses less electricity to produce desired results which can positively impact your utility bills.

You are more comfortable throughout the year despite the season. With a single yearly servicing schedule, your unit can maintain proper temperature throughout the home without creating hot or cold spots.

You maintain your warranty since many manufacturers often void warranties if regular servicing isn’t performed by a professional. These warranties can save you lots of money in case you need repairs or to keep your parts renewed for as long as possible.

You lengthen the lifespan of your AC unit and the intervals between replacements.

Signs you need to get your AC serviced

AC servicing can help identify small issues that could develop into bigger problems later on. Here are a few signs that you need to service your AC unit.

  1. The thermostat is not working
  2. The unit is blowing warm air
  3. Little to no air is blowing from the vents
  4. Strange odors are coming from your unit
  5. Your AC is making loud noises
  6. You are finding water or freon leaks around your AC

If you notice any of these signs, contact an HVAC professional immediately.

Regular servicing of your air conditioning unit ensures you get the best from it. If you have a newer unit, you can get away with servicing it every two years but remember, the longer you wait, the less effective it will work. If you are in Windsor, CO, make sure to contact HVAC professionals if you need your AC serviced.

Air Conditioning Services Greeley CO

How Often Do I Need Air Conditioning Service in Greeley CO?

Your air conditioning system keeps your home comfortable. If it’s too cold outside, you can turn up the AC and warm up your house. If it’s too hot, you can cool your rooms down. And if you’re in Colorado, having an AC is a must. Winters mean snow. You need your HVAC system to ensure you and yours are warm and toasty when cold weather hits. It also keeps you cool when the weather turns hot and humid during the summer.

Why Do You Need Your AC Serviced?

Is your AC relatively new? Even if it is, you need to have the unit serviced. That’s the only way to catch minor issues and nip them in the bud. Do you want any of those problems to snowball into bigger ones? If not, have your air conditioning in Greeley, CO, serviced by pros. And if your unit is already a few years old, hire a service technician. AC parts and components should already show signs of wear. Routine service checks are a must if you want to extend your AC’s lifespan.

How Often Should Your AC Be Serviced?

The general rule of thumb is to have your AC units serviced once a year. However, that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. A thorough system check once a year won’t be enough. Think about where you live and the outdoor elements you’re subjected to. If you live near the road, for instance, or somewhere dusty, you’ll need to have your AC air filters replaced more frequently. Also, if you’ve been paying for more and more repairs, you need more service checks to prevent system problems and keep the current ones from escalating.

When Should I Have My AC Serviced?

If you’re calling service technicians for air conditioning in Greeley, CO, make sure you pick the best time. It’s ideal to get your unit serviced before summer. If you don’t want your AC cranky and compromised when the weather is sweltering, you get pros to service the unit in spring. And if winter had a few storms, you’re worried about damage that your AC may have sustained.

Where Do I Get My AC Serviced?

Choose a trusted service provider. Consider the experience of the company. Has it been around for decades? Does it specialize in providing AC services? What kind of reputation does the company have? If it’s a family business, that’s a good reason to give the company a try.

Air Conditioning Loveland CO

Why is My AC Not Blowing Cold Air?

Is your AC giving you grief? If yours isn’t blowing cold air into your room, that indicates a problem. Read on to learn more about common AC problems and their solutions. That way, you’d at least have an idea about what’s wrong when you make an appointment with an AC repair service.

Leaking Refrigerant

The refrigerant may be broken if your AC doesn’t blow cold air into your room. It could also be caused by low refrigerant levels. Find out what’s causing the problem by hiring service technicians for air conditioning in Loveland, CO.

Dirty or Clogged Filter

How long has it been since you replaced or cleaned the filter in your air conditioning system? If you can’t remember, that means that replacement is long overdue. Look for pros to install or replace your air filter. A skilled AC technician in Loveland, CO, can make that happen.

Blocked or Clogged Registers

The air filters aren’t the only likely cause of the problem. You may also have clogged or blocked registers or vents. If there’s a problem with the vent, that’s another factor to consider.

Thermostat Problem

Don’t forget to check your thermostat. Try replacing the batteries. Did that work? If it doesn’t, the problem will require tools, expertise, and knowledge. Leave it up to the repair technician to determine the cause.

Zero Maintenance

If you don’t have your AC system serviced regularly, it won’t last you for long. A poorly maintained air conditioning system could be one of the reasons for your unit’s poor performance. You could sign up for a maintenance plan to turn things around. Find out if that’s still possible.

Condenser Unit Trouble

Your AC’s outdoor condenser unit may be malfunctioning. That could be one of the many reasons for your AC’s poor airflow. A clogged condenser can easily stand in the way. If you want your air conditioning system to work, reach out to a repair technician. Get them started on fixing your unit’s condenser problems. The sooner repair technicians fix the problem, the sooner you can get your AC system back up and running.

Outdated Air Conditioning

How old is your AC system? If it’s older than a decade or so, it may already be outdated. The poor airflow is a sure indication that the unit isn’t performing optimally. If the replacement parts and repairs are much too expensive, it makes better financial sense to buy and have a new AC installed.

What Is The Best Air Filter?

What is the best air filter?

Air filters

What is the best air filter? Should I use disposable or a reusable type of filter? Is there any way I can actually get CLEANER air?
This is a subject that is talked about widely in the HVAC industry. Between the experience and endless hours of training that my family has gone through, I believe we have a great grasp on air filtration. One of the common misconceptions that we see is when people think that buying more expensive filters means they do a better job. Unfortunately, all this does is hurt your wallet as well as your heating and cooling system. The more restrictive (and expensive) some brand name filters are, especially ones bought at home improvement stores,the more they can hurt components in your system. The RIGHT filter and or filtration, is the one your system can handle. We see most systems struggling to return air, and then when someone wants cleaner air due to dust or construction debris, they may buy more expensive filters. This not only can damage your Blower, but it can also hurt other parts of the system like your blower wheel, heat exchanger, or outdoor AC compressor! The true way to find out what filter you need is by having a trained technician perform a static pressure test. It’s kind of like blood pressure, if it’s too high, it will make companents run harder and in time prematurely fail.

Reusable filter or disposable?

Again, there isn’t just one easy answer for this. If there was, everyone would use the same filtration. Personally, in my house, I use a disposable filter, but with added IAQ instruments. I added an ionizer to mine to weigh down particles in the air and it actually works. I know this because I can see the difference in both cleaning my house and when I change my filters. On the other hand, my brother has an electronically charged filter. It is more expensive, but in the right set up like his, more effective and efficient. Then there is the outdated technology of Electronic Air Cleaners, in which you would use static electricity which would dirty up bulky metal cells that you would remove and have to clean in a bathtub or outside with a garden hose; not ideal in the busy lives we live. I would steer away from those and lean towards disposable media.

How do you actually get CLEANER air?

This is a sensitive subject to me for multiple reasons. One reason is because duct cleaning is a great start to get cleaner air in your house. But unfortunately, there are a lot of “duct cleaners” in our industry that just don’t do justice when doing this procedure. The best way to clean the duct work is to create a large negative pressure with a duct cleaning unit, which would be a truck mounted unit or trailer unit. if someone is bringing in a “duct cleaning machine” into your house, it’s just a glorified shop vac. In the past year, I’ve seen a handful of systems fail because the customer had recently just had the “ducts cleaned ”. We scope out the system with long cameras and see how they did a very poor job or flat out didn’t try. In some cases we’ve seen the furnace and indoor AC coil get dirtier due to this and it’s frustrating. Once the duct cleaning process is done right, there are different pieces of equipment to add onto your system that can definitely help. Personally, we steer away from UV lights because they just don’t get used to their full potential in our desert-like Colorado climate. They are more useful in humid climates in my opinion, so I prefer ionizers.

With all that being said, I hope you gained some knowledge on air quality options and if you ever have questions or would like us to access your air filtration in your home or business, please call us at 970-482-7520